
LVA and VFI launch Irish Pub Awards 2023
The Irish Pub Awards 2023 were launched on Tuesday 18th April 2023, at Gleeson’s of Booterstown, Co. Dublin. The Irish Pubs Awards are jointly presented by Licensed Vintners Association (LVA) and Vintners’ Federation Ireland (VFI). Pubs are now free to enter up to nine categories with judging set to take place over the summer. The […]

Positive that extra tax on consumers is off the menu – LVA
LVA welcomes VAT and TBESS extensions The Licensed Vintners Association (LVA) has said that it is “positive that the Government has kept the extra tax on consumers off the menu” by pushing back the VAT increase on hospitality until after the summer season. They also warmly welcomed the extension of The Business Energy Support Scheme […]

Government liberalisation of licences will lead to pubs on every corner in major towns and cities, while more rural pubs die off – LVA
The Licensed Vintners Association (LVA) has said that the Government’s decision to effectively liberalise the pub market from 2026 will eventually “see pubs on every corner in major towns and cities”. They also note that the Government’s proposal to allow anyone to apply for a pub licence will see more rural pubs “die off”, as […]

9 out of 10 Dublin pubs say VAT change will have negative impact on their business – LVA
6 out of 10 say their energy bills have doubled or more More than half say insurances costs are up by at least 20% 6 out of 10 have a negative outlook for the hospitality sector this year LVA calls for the 9% VAT rate to be maintained Nine out of 10 Dublin pubs (92%) […]

LVA publishes Christmas Trading Hours 2022
The Licensed Vintners Association has published the trading hours that will be in place for pubs over the Christmas 2022 period. These outline the permitted hours for trading for the on trade per the Intoxicating Liquor Acts 2003/ 2008. The full day by day hours of trade are listed in the image set out below. […]

Gleesons of Booterstown named Pub of the Year 2022
Gleesons of Booterstown has been named the ‘Pub of the Year’ at the Irish Pub Awards. The awards are jointly organised by the LVA and the VFI. This is the first time a Dublin pub has received the top award. Our congratulations go to all the Gleesons of Booterstown team. Other LVA members who won on the […]

BUDGET23: Energy Measures and cut to SEOs a boost to pubs and night time economy – LVA
The Licensed Vintners Association (LVA) said the Government’s Budget announcements will be a boost for pubs and the night time economy, with energy grants and cuts on the cost of late night trading benefitting the sector. In the run up to the Budget, the LVA has been very vocal about the rising cost of energy […]

Cut in Excise a straightforward option for Government as hospitality sector faces major cost pressures – LVA
Grant assistance and price certainty on energy costs also essential The Licensed Vintners Association (LVA) has said the Government has the opportunity to use a “straightforward option” in cutting excise duty as the hospitality sector faces major, rising cost pressures. The LVA made their comment following the publication of the new Estimation of Costs of […]

LVA names new Chair and Vice Chair – Alison Kealy and Laura Moriarty
The Licensed Vintners Association (LVA) has named Alison Kealy as their new Chair and Laura Moriarty as Vice Chair. Alison succeeds Noel Anderson who was Chair of the LVA from February 2021. She also becomes the first daughter of a previous Chair to hold the role, with her father Derry having previously acted as […]