
Pubs would make every effort to be ready for later trading this weekend if given green light – LVA

Dublin vintners want to see night time sector fully reopening and removal of all hospitality restrictions following shortly afterwards Pubs throughout the country would make every effort to provide later trading this weekend if they were given the green light by Government, according to the Licensed Vintners Association (LVA). With NPHET expected to provide recommendations

Pubs would make every effort to be ready for later trading this weekend if given green light – LVA Read More »

8pm curfew for pubs and restaurants represents ‘closure under camouflage’ – LVA

The Licensed Vintners Association (LVA) has said that the decision by the Government to implement an 8pm curfew for pubs and restaurants is “closure in camouflage”. They say most pubs will now be unable to viably operate in that timeframe and will now have to close anyway, putting tens of thousands of people out of

8pm curfew for pubs and restaurants represents ‘closure under camouflage’ – LVA Read More »

LVA is seeking for fair and balanced reforms of the late night licensing laws, including extended closing times

New licensing system must be fair and balanced – LVA

The Licensed Vintners Association (LVA) has welcomed the upcoming reform and modernisation of the licensing laws, saying an overhaul was “long overdue”. They also outlined the importance of ensuring any new licensing system was fair and balanced and did not place disproportionate responsibilities on pubs while allowing for other venues to serve late night alcohol

New licensing system must be fair and balanced – LVA Read More »

LVA publishes Irish Hospitality Industry Manifesto

Government on verge of destroying own plan 3 days after publication – LVA

Government and NPHET practising “pick and mix approach” to national strategy No correlation between HPSC data on outbreaks which show zero open outbreaks in pubs and NPHET advice The Government is on the verge of destroying their own plan only three days after they published it, according to the Licensed Vintners Association (LVA). The LVA were speaking in reaction to media

Government on verge of destroying own plan 3 days after publication – LVA Read More »

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