
Positive to see commitment to removal of restrictions for all pubs and the reopening of nightclubs and late bars – LVA

Contradictory position to allow return of live music but prevent mingling, will delay the recovery of that sector The Government’s announcement that all restrictions be removed from pubs and that nightclubs and late bars will be able to reopen from the 22nd October has been welcomed as positive news by the Licensed Vintners Association (LVA).

Positive to see commitment to removal of restrictions for all pubs and the reopening of nightclubs and late bars – LVA Read More »

Some pubs in Dublin have been waiting to reopen for 497 consecutive days

Relief, hope and nervousness as some Dublin pubs get ready to reopen for the first time in 497 days – LVA

The Licensed Vintners Association (LVA) has said that the ability to reopen for indoor hospitality will come with “relief, hope and nervousness” for many in the hospitality sector. This comes as some Dublin pubs get ready to reopen their door for the first time in 497 consecutive days. The LVA also acknowledged that this will

Relief, hope and nervousness as some Dublin pubs get ready to reopen for the first time in 497 days – LVA Read More »

5th July will mark the beginning of the recovery for pubs and hospitality – LVA

The Licensed Vintners Association (LVA) has welcomed confirmation from the Government that all pubs will reopen for indoor service from 5th July, saying it will mark the official beginning of the recovery for pubs and hospitality. One third of the pubs in Dublin have not been able to open their doors since 15th March 2020.

5th July will mark the beginning of the recovery for pubs and hospitality – LVA Read More »

Singling out of non food pubs again would completely destroy publican trust in Government

Cabinet must stick to its decision of last Tuesday to re-open all pubs Contradictory messaging from Government and NPHET adding enormously to uncertainty and stress facing publicans If Dublin pubs are not allowed to re-open on 21 September the repeated singling out of non food pubs from other hospitality businesses would completely destroy the trust

Singling out of non food pubs again would completely destroy publican trust in Government Read More »

Pubs have been implementing the new guidelines ahead of reopening

Pubs reopening a ‘milestone moment’ in recovery of country – LVA

LVA emphasises importance of pubs adhering to guidelines Pubs reopening marks a ‘milestone moment’ in the recovery of the country, according to the Licensed Vintners Association (LVA). Pointing to the worldwide attention the closure of pubs received at the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, the LVA believes that their reopening will be a signal that

Pubs reopening a ‘milestone moment’ in recovery of country – LVA Read More »

Almost 3 out of 4 regular pub goers plan on returning during first month of reopening – LVA and VFI

Representative bodies urge publicans across the country to follow the guidelines and put the health of customers and staff first Research shows clear hygiene and safety measures will be vital for public with 61% wanting glasses/ cutlery deep cleaned Going for food most popular occasion for returning to pub  7 out of 10 concerned other

Almost 3 out of 4 regular pub goers plan on returning during first month of reopening – LVA and VFI Read More »

Porterhouse Steak from The Chop House - #DubPubDishes

3 out of 4 Dublin pubs opposed to restaurants reopening but pubs staying shut

Almost 7 out of 10 willing to reopen with restricted capacity, following strict public health and social distancing guidelines 6 out of 10 say they will go out of business if asked to stay closed into 2021 50% ‘appalled’ by insurance sector, further 33% dissatisfied 3 out of 4 satisfied with Government response to crisis

3 out of 4 Dublin pubs opposed to restaurants reopening but pubs staying shut Read More »

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